Когда я собрался шить себе худ и стал спрашивать у народа как это должно выглядеть, в ответ услышал: " ну так , приблизительно, как получится..." Такое положение меня не устроило и я стал искать в инете...
Вот что я нашел. Нате пользуйтесь.
According to the typology given in Nockert, Type 1 Hoods are typified as "Hood and liripipe cut in one piece. Tailored neck seam. Large cape (about 30 cm long) with diagonally cut line in the center, front and back. Gore inserted in the middle of both front and back. Wide neck (65 cm approx). Long liripipe (90 cm). Liripipe 3.5 cm wide."
Norlund, Poul. "Buried Norsemen at Herjolfsnes: an archaeological and historical study." Meddelelser om Gronland: Udgivne af Kommissionen for ledelsen af de geologiske og geogrfiske undersogelser i Gronland. Bind LXVII. Kobenhavn: C.A. Reitzel, 1924.
Hood design based on no. 247, as presented in Textiles and Clothing. It was in a late 14th Century deposit, and was of a tabby woven cloth. Two triangular pieces, apparently cut from the "chin" of the hood, are inserted as gussetts in the sides of the hood. The button "holes" are loops sewn into the edge.
This hood from the Orkneys, may date from the "Viking" age. It resembles Roman Cucullus.
According to the typology given in Nockert, Type 2 Hoods are typified as "Hood cut in two equal parts, with a tailored, slightly ridged seam above the skull. Upper part of liripipe usually cut in one piece with the hood. Large cape (20-33 cm long). Long liripipe (60-84 cm). Liripipe width varies between 1.4 and 5 cm." There is also a gore in the front, and sometimes in the back, and a somewhat tailored neck seam. This group is made up from four hoods from Herjolfsnes, and comprises Norlund's "Type I": no. 65, no. 66, no. 67, and no. 70. The major difference between the Nockert Type 1 and 2 is the existance of a seam separating the side pieces.
According to the typology given in Nockert, Type 3 Hoods are typified as "Hood cut in two equal parts, with a seam above the skull. Liripipe cut separately. Short cape (10-15 cm long) with diagonally cut neck and gore inserted on each shoulder. Narrow Neck (43-47 cm). Liripipe length varies between 47 and 68 cm, width 2-6 cm." This group is made up from eleven hoods from Herjolfsnes, and comprises Norlund's "Type II": no. 65, no. 71, no. 72, no. 73, no. 75, no. 76, no. 77, no. 78, no. 79, and no. 80. Cutting the hood as a piece with the liripipe would then include London Hood no.174.
Not seen in Nockert's Typology, Type 4 Hoods are typified as "" There is one example of this type of hood; the Bocksten hood
This hood from the Orkneys, may date from the "Viking" age. It resembles Roman Cucullus.